Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nate explaining a solider for Christ

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
The guy looked so cute. as the girls would say
but I thank he looks like a solider for Christ.

The kick off program for the kids

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
awesome service and our last of the week.

Hard Rock Cafe in Santo Domingo

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
This was fun....

Johnny k k's at the straw market

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
so gooodddddddd.......

Johnny k k's at the straw market

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
so gooodddddddd.......

Day 6

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
Yesterday we went to the handicap orphanage in the Santo Domingo. The handicap orphange is probably one of the hardest things I have done. This being my second year it seemed a little easier, because i knew what to expect. The team did a awesome job at loving on the kids and not treating them distant.

You know love is a universal language, because when you would just say their names and rub their arms they would just smile. Their were three hydrosyphilis babies this year and a lot of mentally challenged kids. We just love on the kids.

After the handicapped orphanage we went to the straw market to shop for souvenirs. After shopping we went to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe since it was only about a mile from the orphanage. This was really neat because the Hard Rock Cafe is right behind the Christopher Columbus church which is the oldest church standing in the Americas it was built in 1503. The capitol is beautiful there is also a light house in honor of Columbus there it was so beautiful.

After the lunch we came back to kick off the kids program that Nate and them are doing through the summer. They are looking at Ephesians and talking about being soilders for Christ. We did the songs from vbs and shared the gospel through the bracelets we had some that raised their hand to recieve Christ. Last night we ate at the famous El Sueno's it was awesome but one really awesome story is on the way back to score Dana and Marguerite saw two little kids with their VBS stuff and doing the guitar motion and singing the songs we taught them. The kids did not know that their were seen by Dana and them. That just shows that we made a difference in these kids lives. Give God the Glory.

Today we come home we leave score at 1:00. This morning we are going to a church to worship with Dominicans how cool.

love you all

Columbus Light House

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
This was so pretty.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Please Comment

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
those that are viewing this please leave a small comment. It helps us know that you are utilizing the blog and the team is very encouraged by it.

Thank You


God Bless

Day 6 Argentine BBQ

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
This is the first serving at the Argentine BBQ here at score. Oby serves this it helps raise support for the church planting program here at score. You get a sausage dog, a rib, a pork chop, a piece of steak , and a bon bon for desert it is kinda like a small nutty buddy ball but better. There were 70 people who at raising 1400 dollars for the program.

Johnny k k's

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
This was a little cafe serving a funnel cake type of thang. I asked what the they were and they told me Johnny k k's I had to get one. We bought 15 for a quarter. No one is sick. except Jake he has a upset stomach this morning. hmmmmmmm.

Day 6

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
Today was a amazing Day. We went out to a village again where no one has been. we just went down the streets of the village inviting them to the program. We gathered over a 150 kids, and about 20 of them gave their lives to Christ.

The team did the vbs program and we shared the gospel through the bracelets. After lunch we went to a orphanage that had eight boys and a girl from another orphange joined us. We also shared the vbs program and gave the gospel through the bracelets and one boy of the name of Emerson accepted Christ. I went with Nate to talk with Emerson one on one. I told him of how proud I was about his decision and that now he is my brother in Christ. I also told him that nothing can ever take that away from him. We also explained to him about baptism and Nate is going to baptise him. At the end of our talk Emerson prayed a awesome prayer.

After the talk with Emerson we took the kids to a near by park to play for about a hour. These kids had a blast.. These kids have been abanodoned by their parents and need love and boy that is just what the team did, they loved on those kids. As we were leaving they were blowing us kisses it broke my heart.

This week we have see as God has seen the World, we have been made aware of needs.

God is so goood.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Day 4 Catlina Island

Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
Yesterday was the catilina island. It was a day to have some fun, relax, and just appreciate God's beautiful creation. This place is absolutely beautiful. Dana and some others got burnt up by the sun pray for them. Today we go to a orphanage and another village to share the gospel.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
Man we were packed 80 something kids in a size of a walk in closet.


Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
Julie sharing the gospel.

Day 3

Today was awesome we went back to the Jumbo to get more food for a village. Instead of handing it out we bought it in bulk to stay at a home in the village that will distribute the food as it is needed. At this house a woman has opened her home to work with the kids of the village. This village was one of the poorest in this area. We had about 80 kids today. 

The team did vbs stuff today we made the little guitars , fruit loop necklaces and face painted. Julie shared the gospel today we did not call for decisions.  The reason why is that we were so tight in this room wall to wall. Nate and Erica plan to do some follow up with the kids. This village has a lot of demonic influences and  needs our prayer. Our team today was a kinda of guinne pig for the village.

We are just now getting in from showing the Narnia the movie in the village we went to yesterday. I was able to share the gospel tonight. We did not have any public decisions but Nate told us that is was good because we may not know what may come out of tonight in weeks to come. I had a chance to ride over tonight with Nate and he told me that he was holding some of the villages for our team because he knew we would get the job done and get the gospel out. I thought that said volumes about our team. 

Westmeade you should be proud you are represented so good. It is amazing to be God's hands and feet. 

tomorrow is our catlina day so pray that we will have a safe relaxing time. 

love yo all 

the DR team 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
The bags we gave out. God is so good. Thanks for all who gave.


Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
The team in the village.


Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
Brooke with baby in village.


Originally uploaded by brandonstarnes007
How much for fifty families to feed.

Day 2

Well today was amazing. We started the day off by going down through the block around score to promote the Saturday program. While we were out inviting people we stopped on the way in a neighborhood and did a service. We started off playing games with the kids and then shared the VBS story Mallory read the lesson about God is Real, I was able to share the gospel and 10 kids raised their hand to receive Christ.  Praise God.....

After Lunch we went to the Jumbo to buy the food for the first village. We feed about fifty homes. The village was out in the sugar canes and they had a small church that is in the process of being built. We held the service in the school. The girls shared the Worthy is the Lamb creative movement we found the song in spanish and it was just awesome, the girls did so good at it. 

I stayed with the adults with the translators to preach to them, I shared with them about the power of the word of God and how awesome His word is. This was more of a disciplship type message , Nate wanted to them to have more of a hunger for God's word. Nate has been teaching them about a year now. Five were just baptized last week, God is really doing a work in this village. 

The other team while i was teaching with the adults held a children's service. Brooke read the lesson in spanish on God is Real. They played games with the children, made fruit loop necklaces and Mrs. Robin gave her testimony awesome time. Some of the team ate some fruit of a tree no one is sick yet. 

Britney went with the medical team and she counted pills. She said it was amazing. Five were saved at their ministry site. Tonight we had a awesome service here at score. God is doing so amazing stuff already we give Him the glory. 

Tomorrow we go out to feed another village and share the gospel. Later tomorrow night we show a movie in a village. Please continue to pray for us your prayers are felt. 

love you all 
Dana wants to know how fifi is?

3913 choctaw dr se
Decatur AL 35603

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 1 cont.

God is so good we made it smooth 1400 miles to the DR. The Group we made it to Score. All of the luggage made it as well, the prayers have been felt. Today we got her and in and had a training time. Tomorrow settled ow we go out to promote the new children's program that Nate and Erica will be doing through out the summer. Robin will be sharing her testimony , I have been asked to share the gospel tomorrow afternoon and the team will be doing some of the vbs worship songs and activities with the Children. Please pray that God will fill us with His courage and allow us to go out to make a proclaim for Him. 

We Love you all 

God Bless. 
1626 Runnymeade AVE SW
Decatur AL 35601
256-353-8239 Ext.207

June 1 2009 Day 1

This is us in the air on the way to santo Domingo. The trip so far is
going great. Love you all your prayers are felt.